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Oil & Gas service company

Oil & Gas Service Company for sell/invest.


An Oil & Gas service company for sell/invest.
Established in 2015 providing 3 main services; Lab Testing, Slurry Design and Job execution in the relative field
Special Units (6 units, 3 batch mixers, 2 Field storages, 1 lab) , equipment’s and software is one of their assets (Patent)
Recently they are listed as an ICV service company with PDO with Omanization rate of 98%.
They have 3 bases with different equipment's
Currently they hold 3 contracts a value of around(3.7 USD millions expected renew 2024 at rate 25 USD million for operation size increase + 15 USD Million ends on 2028 + 20 USD millions ends on 2026)
Operation cost of 3 location is around 3 OMR millions/ year, and Employee cost is around 780 K OMR/year

Requested Value



18 million

Brownfield Investment

8% to -1.5% of the total agreed value is requested, excluding taxes, which the buyer must negotiate with the seller.


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